2025 General Church Conference

Apr 7-9, 2025 - In Person and Online


About the 2025 General Conference

Between April 7-9 the 2025 General Conference will be held at the Church of Christ, Temple Lot, Independence, Missouri. The Church of Christ invites all members worldwide to attend this Conference in person.

We hope that those who cannot attend in person will join us virtually. To do so, it will require the approval of those attending the Conference in person. The first order of Conference business is a recommendation to allow for this new opportunity of virtual attendance. Those attending virtually will see this business item taking place; however, they will not vote on this Motion per our present standing rules. Those attending in person will vote to approve virtual attendance. However, they do have the option to disallow virtual attendance. If virtual attendance is not approved, the virtual link will be immediately disconnected. 

Preaching services Sunday through Wednesday evening will be live-streamed on https://www.churchofchrist1830.org/stream and can be viewed without registration.

Guidelines for Virtual Attendees

With the potential of thousands of virtual attendees and the necessity to maintain order and move forward with business during each session, the "Guidelines for Virtual Attendees" will be strictly observed with no exceptions.

  • Each session of the Conference will take place during Central Daylight Time Zone (USA).

  • Virtual attendees must pre-register for each Conference session they wish to attend by March 31, 2025. We have provided the links to register for each Conference session in the section below.

  • When registering, use the name that appears on your Baptism Certificate. The exception is that the General Church Recorder has received your name change on a Change of Record form.

  • Please complete all required fields when registering. Failure to complete the form could result in your registration being denied. For registration questions or issues, please get in touch with technology@churchofchrist1830.net.

  • Virtual attendees must have their membership confirmed by the General Church Recorder to eliminate the potential of non-members being present or voting. Register soon enough for the General Church Recorder to verify your membership status.

  • After verifying your membership, you will receive an email with a link to attend each session you have registered to attend. The virtual portion of the Conference will be on Zoom.

  • Registered voters must log in to each session with an individual device such as a computer, tablet, or cell phone. There will be one person voting per device.

  • Before the Conference begins, the “ZOOM” App should be downloaded to the device to be used.

  • Virtual attendees can watch, listen, and vote only. The Chairman will not give the floor to them to speak. Audio and video functionality are disabled. Any questions will be handled through the “Chat” function accessed at the top left corner of your screen. Direct your questions to the Host, who will attempt to answer them, if possible, without disrupting business.


Register to Attend Conference Online

The 2025 General Church Conference will be held online, using an interactive web conference available on computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Registrants will receive email reminders with a link to log into the web conference of the specific session in which you registered (see Session Registration schedule). When the scheduled session time arrives, click the link received in email after registration is confirmed to join that session.

You Must Complete registration (by March 31) for each session below you plan to attend :


Session #1
Monday, April 7th
9:00 am - 12:00 pm CDT


Session #2
Monday, April 7th 
1:30pm - 3:30pm CDT


Session #3
Tuesday, April 8th
9:00am - 12:00pm CDT


Session #4
Tuesday, April 8th
1:30pm - 4:30pm CDT


Session #5
Wednesday, April 9th
9:00am - 12:00pm CDT



Understanding Conference Language

The Host will display the MOTION on your screen when a motion is ready to be voted on. The display will allow you to choose your vote for an individual nominated or to vote YES or NO to the MOTION. We will allow sixty seconds for voting. The HOST will count the virtual votes. At the same time, we will calculate the votes of those attending in person. The secretary will total the numbers, and the Chairman will announce the results. At the end of the 60-seconds voting window, the virtual voting results will be displayed to those attending in person at the Temple Lot and those attending virtually.

We conduct Conference business under the guidelines of Robert’s Rules of Order. There is a specific language used to conduct business under those rules:

  • SUSPEND THE RULES – Not use Robert's Rules Order to conduct business on an item.

  • THE CHAIR – The Chairman is running the Conference.

  • BODY – The members attending Conference.

  • MOVE – Giving a motion of business to the Conference by a member – requires another (second) member to agree with the Motion.

  • SECOND – The second member wants the Motion to come before the Conference.

  • MOTION CARRIED – The majority of votes were in favor of the Motion.

  • MOTION FAILED – The majority of votes were not in favor of the Motion.

  • AMENDED THE MOTION – Making a change to the Motion before the body.

  • ON THE FLOOR – The item of business before the Conference.

  • THE FLOOR – Items before the Conference for discussion.

  • RECOGNIZE – Permission for someone to speak to or against the Motion.

  • OUT OF ORDER – Is not according to Robert's Rule of Order or Binding Laws of the Church of Christ from past Conference actions.

  • CALL FOR THE QUESTION – Stop discussion and vote on the Motion.

  • TABLE – To stop consideration of a motion.


FAQ and Additional Instructions

Question: What will the online conference be like?

While this is an hybrid in-person/online conference, it is being built in a format to encourage your active participation. Please understand that this will be new for all of us, and we solicit your patience as we work through it together. Please know that we will try to make it smooth and easy for everyone who would like to participate.

Question: Who can attend the online conference?

We encourage and welcome all members of the Church of Christ who are available to register in advance and attend.

Question: How will I be able to participate in Conference?

During the live Conference sessions, registered attendees will be able to see and hear the chairmen, and view documents, submit votes, and send messages, all through their computer.

Question: Why Do I need to register in advance?

Registering in advance for this online Conference is important for two main reasons:

  1. It ensures we have up-to-date contact information for anyone who wants to participate, so we can communicate important dates and information for participating in the Conference.

  2. It helps secure and validate the voting and official business that will occur during the Conference.


Learn how to use the web conferencing tool

To conduct the Conference session online, we will use a tool called “Zoom.” The tool allows attendees to see and hear the chairmen, and view documents, submit votes, and send messages.

Helpful links:

Need help?

Contact the following people to answer questions or get help:

Cody Fann: 816-824-1134